Apnea Health understands that during the coronavirus crisis, you may have some questions related to your CPAP and sleep apnea, so we’ve put together a Covid FAQ.

The information provided below is for informational purposes only and doesn’t represent medical advice.

For medical advice, please visit the  Government of Canada site by clicking on this link or call the government at 1-877-644-4545.

Yes, Apnea Health is now offering a  virtual home sleep test. Thanks to telemedicine, our respiratory therapists can meet with you online for the appointment. Following the initial 30-minute consult with the therapist, we will arrange for curbside pick up of the sleep device.  Each device is sterilized after every use and the nasal cannula used to monitor your breathing is thrown out in the morning.

Learn more: https://apneesante.com/en/montreal-virtual-home-sleep-test/

Presently, there is no evidence that sleep apnea causes you to have a higher risk of getting the coronavirus.

However, sleep apnea patients frequently have associated illnesses that are linked to a  higher risk for coronavirus.

These illnesses include:

  • hypertension
  • diabetes
  • lung disease
  • COPD
  • heart disease.

Another common risk factor for Covid-19 and sleep apnea is age. People who are aged 70 and over are at higher risk of contracting the virus.

A sleep test will tell us if have apnea.  Although you may present many of the signs and symptoms of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), the only way to know if you have it is to be tested during your sleep.  Apnea Health offers a home sleep test which is fast, reliable and affordable.  We also offer the in-lab sleep test known as a polysomnography.

Yes, but you must follow certain recommendations. Here, we share with you easy-to-follow instructions provided by the McGill University Health Center. 

Click here to learn more

If you follow the above recommendations, you will not contaminate other members in your household. As a CPAP user, it’s important for you to be aware that you may spread the virus through the exhalation port on your CPAP mask.  This  port may release smaller virus-containing participles as an aerosol, which can remain in the air for hours. It’s possible that your bed partner could inhale these virus particles.  Here are additional infection control tips:

  • Wash your hands with soap and water before handling your CPAP equipment
  • Clean your equipment according to your homecare clinic’s recommendations
  • Change filters, accessories, and your mask
  • If you can’t find distilled water for your humidifier, use tap water in your water chamber and once per week, put vinegar and water in your chamber for one hour.  Find out more here.

If it’s impossible for you to isolate yourself and you have to sleep with your partner, it’s important to discuss with your doctor to find out the best options available to you in order to make the best choices for your health and that of your family.

Since all affected people must be isolated, you must make sure to sleep in another room than the infected person. In addition, do not forget to respect the basic hygiene rules and to maintain your CPAP equipment rigorously. If the infected person cannot be isolated, contact your doctor to see what options are available to you for making the best choices for your health and that of your family members.

Whether you’re suffering  from the common cold or coronavirus, you need to wash your CPAP mask daily with soap and water. Once per week, you can wash your tube and water tub.

Find out more here about proper maintenance of your equipment throughout the year: https://apneesante.com/en/do-i-really-have-to-clean-my-cpap-all-the-time/

No, the CPAP filter is used to prevent dust from entering your CPAP and harming the motor.  Please ask your sleep clinic with what frequency you need to change your filter.

You must disinfect your CPAP, CPAP mask and accessories with soap and water.  The mask and accessories can be washed in soap and water.  The CPAP can be wiped down with soap and water or disinfecting wipes and the filter can be changed. 

Here is a blog to remind you how to properly carry out the decontamination: https://apneesante.com/en/do-i-really-have-to-clean-my-cpap-all-the-time/

Yes, Apnea Health is still here for you.  We’ve put our products and services online. Visit our product pages for replacement bundles, discounted masks and other promotions to help you through this period.  We’re offering curbside pickup and free delivery.

Yes, you can use tap water.

Tap water won’t harm your CPAP. However, when using tap water in your chamber, you’ll need to rigorously clean it to prevent excess mineral buildup. Here’s how:

  • Empty the water chamber every day and wipe it dry.
  • Once per week, use 1 part vinegar and 3 parts water in the tub and let stand for one hour.
  • Then clean it with soap and water and wipe it dry.

Yes! Apnea Health is here for you, whether you are already a patient or a new patient.  Our respiratory therapists and sleep doctors are consulting with our patients online through video calling and we marvel at how well it’s working.

If you’re not comfortable with technology, never fear!  Neither were we in the beginning.  It’s really easy.  We’ll send you a link to connect with us.  All you need is a camera and a microphone or a smart phone or tablet.  There are so many ways to connect today that you don’t need to put off taking care of your sleep.

Virtual Home Sleep Test

You needn’t visit the clinic to be tested for sleep apnea

Virtual CPAP Treatment

All instruction is provided by online video conferencing

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