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Have you ever wondered what happens to your mind and body while you’re fast asleep?

Among sleep phases, REM stands out. It’s a sleep phase that is marked by closed-eyelid rapid eye movements and vivid dreams and has a major impact on your memory, mental focus, and mood.

Join us as we explore the secrets behind one of the most intriguing parts of your night.

What is REM sleep?

Rapid eye movement (REM) sleep is a stage of sleep associated with dreaming and memory consolidation. It was first discovered in the 1950s, when scientists studying sleeping infants noticed that there were distinct times during the night when their eyes moved rapidly from side to side.

Here’s a breakdown of what happens to your body during REM:

  • Eyes swiftly move back and forth behind closed eyelids.
  • Heart rate and blood pressure rise nearly as high as when you’re awake.
  • Breathing becomes faster and irregular.
  • Your brain consumes more oxygen and its activity increases significantly
  • Facial and limb twitching might occur, while other muscles experience temporary paralysis, preventing you from acting out your dreams.

REM is also often referred to as “Paradoxical Sleep” because it involves seemingly conflicting conditions of an active mind and a sleeping body.

Where in the brain does it occur?

During REM sleep, several parts of the brain are active and engaged in various functions 1. Some of the key parts of the brain that are active during this time include:

  • Brainstem and Pons: The brainstem, specifically the pons, is a crucial area for regulating REM sleep. The pons helps regulate aspects of REM sleep, such as suppressing voluntary muscle movement (also known as muscle atonia) which stops you from moving while you’re dreaming.
  • Amygdala: The amygdala, an almond-shaped structure involved in processing emotions, memories, and responses to fear, remains active during REM sleep.
  • Hippocampus: The hippocampus is involved in memory consolidation, and its activity during REM sleep suggests a role in processing and storing memories, especially those with an emotional or spatial component.
  • Thalamus: The thalamus is responsible for relaying sensory information to various parts of the brain, and it remains active during REM sleep. This could be related to the generation of dream imagery based on various sensory inputs.
  • Visual and Motor Cortex: Despite the muscle atonia that prevents physical movement, the motor cortex still shows some activity during REM sleep (such as the rapid eye movements and minor twitching in the limbs).
  • Prefrontal Cortex: The prefrontal cortex, responsible for executive functions like decision-making, planning, and self-control, shows reduced activity during REM sleep. This reduction in activity might explain the sometimes illogical or disjointed nature of dreams during this stage. The prefrontal cortex also regulates the amygdala and if you are sleep deprived, it ceases to ‘communicate’ with amygdala which can result in an unstable emotional state when you are awake.

Why is it important?

REM sleep plays a crucial role in your overall well-being as it’s associated with improved learning, memories, creativity, and emotional resilience.

The majority of your dreams take place during REM sleep. While REM is not the only stage in which dreams occur, the ones you experience in this stage are usually more vivid than their non-REM counterparts and studies show that these intense dreams are important for the processing of emotional memories (such as fear) 2.

During REM sleep, your brain processes new information and motor skills from the day, committing some to memory, maintaining others, and deciding which ones to delete.

Researchers hypothesize REM sleep promotes brain development, since newborns spend most of their sleep time in REM. Adding to the evidence is that animals born with less developed brains, such as humans and puppies, spend even more time in REM sleep during infancy than those that are born with more developed brains, like horses and birds 3.

Through its activation of our central nervous system, REM sleep might help us get ready to wake back up. This may explain why we spend increasing amounts of time in REM sleep as the night progresses and why we are easier to wake up during this stage.

Is REM sleep the same as deep sleep?

Even though people often use these two terms interchangeably, REM and deep sleep are actually two separate sleep phases.

While REM is associated with vivid dreaming and increased brain activity, deep sleep (also known as slow-wave-sleep) is the stage where the body focuses on physically repairing itself, boosting the immune system and restoring bones, muscles, and tissue.

Due to the subdued brain activity of deep sleep, it is also the phase that is most difficult to wake up from 4, and those who are woken up while in this state tend to experience a short period of fogginess and impaired cognitive performance.

How much REM do you need?

Babies and young children need the most REM sleep. During infancy, it can account for up to 50% of their total sleep time 5.

The significant amount of REM sleep observed in young children is thought to have a vital impact on their brain development, learning abilities, overall growth, as well as the maturation of their central nervous system and the establishment of neural connections.

As individuals reach adulthood, the portion of REM sleep you experience decreases to about 20-25% of your total sleep time6. This means you’ll typically get around 90-120 minutes of REM sleep each night. While this is much less than what you had as a baby, this sleep stage is still very important for brain functions as well as for emotional regulation.

It’s worth noting that sleep needs can vary from person to person, so some may feel well-rested with slightly more or less REM sleep than the average. If you have concerns about your sleep quality or are experiencing sleep-related issues, it’s a good idea to consult a healthcare professional or a sleep specialist for personalized advice.

What happens if you don’t get enough?

Not getting enough REM sleep can negatively impact your brain’s ability to learn and create new memories. For example, research shows that when people are deprived of REM sleep they have trouble recollecting things they are taught before falling asleep.

Additionally, because the majority of your REM sleep tends to come towards the end of your night in bed, a lack of REM is often a sign of sleep deprivation 7. Chronic sleep deprivation has been linked to greater risk of obesity, Type 2 Diabetes, dementia, depression, cardiovascular disease and cancer 8.

Sleep disorders are one of the main culprits in preventing you from getting enough REM sleep, some of which include:

  • REM sleep behavior disorder (RBD): People who have this condition may not experience muscle paralysis during REM sleep, which can lead to acting out dreams, resulting in disrupted sleep and injury.
  • Nightmare disorder: People with this condition experience intense, terrifying nightmares. This leads to disrupted sleep and considerable distress 9.
  • Narcolepsy: This condition involves having episodes where a person suddenly goes from wakefulness to REM sleep.
  • Sleep apnea: People with this condition experience brief lapses in breathing that lead to repeated waking. While this does not specifically affect REM sleep, it does contribute to worse sleep quality and duration.

homme fatigué

How to get more REM sleep

The best way to get more REM sleep is to concentrate on getting enough good quality sleep.

Here are some strategies to help you get better sleep:

  • Keep a consistent sleep schedule: Try to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day, even on weekends. Consistency helps regulate your body’s internal clock, improving the quality and quantity of sleep.
  • Create a Relaxing Bedtime Routine: Engage in calming activities before bed, such as reading, gentle stretching, or practicing relaxation techniques like deep breathing or meditation. This can help prepare your mind and body for restful sleep.
  • Create a Comfortable Sleep Environment: Ensure your bedroom is conducive to sleep. This includes having a comfortable mattress and pillows, controlling the room temperature. If you live in a bright, noisy city, consider trying to minimize noise and light disruptions with a sleep eye mask and/or earplugs.
  • Limit Screen Time Before Bed: The blue light emitted by electronic devices such as phones, tablets, and computers can interfere with your body’s production of melatonin, a hormone that regulates sleep. Try to avoid screens at least an hour before bedtime.
  • Limit Caffeine, Alcohol and other Stimulants: Avoid consuming these items close to bedtime. These substances can interfere with the quality of your sleep, especially REM sleep.
  • Watch Your Diet and Hydration: Avoid heavy meals, caffeine, and large amounts of fluids close to bedtime. These can disrupt your sleep or lead to nighttime awakenings due to bathroom trips.
  • Regular Physical Activity: Engaging in regular exercise during the day can help improve sleep quality. However, avoid vigorous exercise close to bedtime, as it may have a stimulating effect.
  • Manage Stress and Anxiety: High stress levels and anxiety can interfere with sleep. Practice stress-reduction techniques like mindfulness, yoga, or journaling to help calm your mind before bed.

If you still have trouble sleeping after following the tips above, it’s also a good idea to consult a doctor. They can help identify any underlying issues that might be affecting your sleep, such as sleep disorders or medical conditions.

Remember that individual sleep needs can vary, and it’s important to find what works best for you. Making gradual adjustments to your habits and maintaining a healthy lifestyle can lead to improved REM sleep and overall sleep quality.

Sweet dreams!











So, you’ve been told you have Sleep Apnea and you need to start using a CPAP machine…

How in the world are you going to be able to adapt to sleeping with this contraption? Don’t despair!  I’m here to help you by sharing my top tips on getting used to CPAP.


Since I began working as an RT specializing in sleep disorders at Apnea Health, I’ve helped many patients become more comfortable with their CPAP machines.  Patients often arrive at our clinic with positive feedback from a friend, family member or colleague who told them how CPAP treatment has changed their lives, how their adaptation was easy and that from the first night it was a success. I’ll be honest with you, this ease of adaptation is not the norm.

Surely you’re wondering how long it will take for a CPAP to improve your sleep apnea symptoms. An article published by the National Sleep Foundation reports that “most patients will require a period of adjusting to the presence of the CPAP mask … anywhere from a few days to a few weeks.”1 Don’t be alarmed if it’s even longer.

One of our secretaries (who has the benefit of CPAP support every day) took 6 months to sleep through the night without removing the mask.  Of course, this is rare, but it does occur.  The good news is that she’s been using her CPAP for 5 years now and sleeping through the night.  The key to her success was perseverance and patience.

Chantale Hébert, Respiratory Therapist with a patient

Practice Patience

I always tell my patients to be…(pardon the clichéd pun) patient! Don’t expect miracles overnight.  While some people feel benefits after just one night, most take at least a month.  Remember that you’ve been experiencing poor sleep quality for a number of years and that it will take more than one night’s sleep before you regain all your energy and feel better.

The key is to go easy on yourself.  It will take some time to get used to your new bedfellow.  Give yourself a chance to get used to wearing the mask and feeling this new surge of air.  Essentially, you need to desensitize yourself to wearing a mask and using a CPAP.

Practice makes perfect!

Doing something you’ve never done before requires some practice.  Since you’re new to the mask and the CPAP, I recommend wearing it as much as possible BEFORE bedtime so you have time to get used to it.

Here are a few scenarios to consider as opportunities to train yourself:

  • If you take naps during the day, put on your CPAP. What better way to ease into life with a mask?  This short term effort will get you accustomed to the long term commitment of sleeping with the mask all night.
  • If you have a tendency to be claustrophobic, practice wearing the mask with the CPAP running during the day. This will allow you to get used to the air pressure. You might want to use your CPAP while you watch TV in the living room, read, knit, etc. This will occupy your brain with something else instead of focusing on having a mask on and breathing.
  • Wear your CPAP 10-15 minutes before bedtime. Wearing the mask and feeling the air surge when you are awake will allow you to acclimate to it and put yourself in a more relaxed state.  As sleep approaches, just close your eyes and drift off…

woman adjusting the settings on her Resmed Airsense

Deal with discomfort right away

Sleep apnea mask discomfort — this is one of the most searched CPAP phrases on Google and it is no wonder.  People might buy a mask online or go to a homecare provider for equipment and then never return for support, but studies prove that “close follow-up, using a nurse-led or respiratory- therapist-led program … is vital for a successful outcome.”2

That’s why my colleagues and I are here to help you!

We know that patients who don’t address small discomforts early on are more likely to abandon treatment. To prevent this, as soon as you experience discomfort with your mask, or problems with the air pressure or humidity, please call us or come into the clinic so we can help you.

Don’t be discouraged.  My colleagues and I are experts at troubleshooting CPAP related problems and we have the support and knowledge of our respirologists (sleep doctors) to direct us.

mask irritation

Celebrate the Small (and Big) Successes

  • No snoring – (perhaps the biggest success for your longsuffering bed partner!)
  • Fewer sleep interruptions
  • Fewer visits to the bathroom
  • Easier time waking up in the morning
  • Fewer or no headaches
  • No need to nap in the daytime

You may not realize it, but while you are achieving these smaller, more measurable successes, you are gaining even more long term  health benefits.

Your heart says “THANK YOU”. You are giving your heart a break from nights of surges in your heart rate as your body struggles to deliver more O2. Less wear and tear on your heart can help with hypertension issues and prevent heart attacks and strokes.

Your life will change. Your renewed energy stores will allow you to accomplish more – more energy to keep up with your kids, garden, jog. You won’t be too tired to go out or fall asleep during your favorite Netflix movie binge.

People will notice. Perhaps the least measurable but most noticeable change will be your mood. Now that you aren’t tired all the time you will feel better, enjoy life and the people around you!

Demonstrate N30i mask

Take an active and positive part in your treatment

Widespread clinical trials show that treatment with a CPAP machine will improve quality of life, but also that improvement depends on consistent use.3 So take charge of your treatment and make sure you’re getting the most out of it!  Learn more about sleep apnea and the benefits of using CPAP, and familiarize yourself with consequences of untreated apnea. Learn and practice regular maintenance for your CPAP machine.

Begin treatment with a positive outlook and even if you experience hurdles, you will be able to overcome them with help from me and the rest of the team.

Want to learn more? Our newsletter will help you learn about sleep, lifestyle tips and treatment:

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Stay in touch with me, your respiratory therapist!

My colleagues and I are here to help you at Apnea Health. We are respiratory therapists trained in sleep. We have a wealth of experience to share with you.  If, for example, you are struggling with a mask or pressure, call us and we will make the necessary adjustments.  Don’t try to troubleshoot on your own.  Let us help!  Remember that when you come to Apnea Health for CPAP therapy, you’ll benefit from our Care for Life program.

valleyfield team 2

1. Atwood, Jr., MD, Charles. “Sleep and CPAP Adherence”. Published on the National Sleep Foundation’s website. Accessed August 14, 2018.

2. Andreea Antonescu-Turcu, MD and Sairam Parthasarathy, MD. “CPAP and Bi-level PAP Therapy: New and Established Roles”. Published in the medical journal Respiratory Care, June 22, 2011. Accessed on August 14, 2018.

3. Weaver, Terri E., et al. “Relationship Between Hours of CPAP Use and Achieving Normal Levels of Sleepiness and Daily Functioning”. Published in the medical journal Sleep, June 1, 2007. Accessed August 14, 2018.

Ever wake up feeling like there’s a tornado in your stomach?

Or when you use your CPAP, do you notice…

  • Stomachache or bloating
  • Burping or flatulence
  • Heartburn or acid reflux

These are all symptoms of aerophagia, or air eating, which is a common CPAP side effect. Aerophagia occurs when air flows into your stomach and intestines instead of your airways during the night. As air builds up, it can cause discomfort in your belly and bowels.

What causes this bloating and how can I fix it?

  1. Pressure is set too high: Your CPAP pressure could be set too high or higher than you need. The extra air you get has no place to go, but to your esophagus and then belly.
  2. Pressure is set too low: You may have your pressure set too low where it’s too inadequate to resolve your apnea episodes. As you’re trying to obtain more air in your lungs, you end up quickly gulping air which is then forced into your esophagus.
  3. Exhalation problems: You might be having trouble exhaling over the consistent air pressure CPAP delivers. This is particularly hard for individuals using mid- to high-CPAP pressures. When you inhale high pressures, it might be simple, but exhaling might cause panic, anxiety and a feeling of choking or suffocation. When this occurs, you might fall out of your natural breathing rhythm and start hyperventilating. This may lead to quickly gulping or sucking in the air, forcing it into your esophagus instead of your lungs.


How to fix your aerophagia when pressure too high or low:

  1. Enable advanced comfort settings in your device.

    If you’re having trouble exhaling but your pressure level is already matching your needs, then we can enable settings such as EPR, which stands for Expiratory Pressure Relief. EPR is a standard feature on ResMed’s Airsense 10 AutoSet that reduces the pressure of your therapy only when you exhale. The AirSense has other advanced comfort settings, such as:

    • Auto-titration: Smart algorithm automatically adjusts your therapy pressure as your needs change
    • Humidification: 8 levels of humidity and an optional heated tube ensures you don’t dry out
    • AutoRamp: Starts your sleep therapy at a low pressure to ensure you fall asleep more comfortably

    woman adjusts settings on her CPAP machine
    The Respironics Dreamstation also has a new revolutionary exhalation release feature called P-FLEX technology, auto-titration, auto-amp and 5 humidification.

    P-Flex technology: is a unique comfort feature that applies exhalation pressure relief in proportion to pressure. P-Flex is designed to enhance comfort by reducing exhalation pressure. But unlike other versions of Flex algorithm, P-Flex applies increased amounts of pressure relief as therapy pressure increases. The higher the pressure, the greater the pressure support. This results in a more comfortable and effective therapy experience.

    dreamstation 2

    The SleepStyle also has a special advanced comfort setting: 
    SensAwake: With this function, the device quickly decreases the pressure to the lowest and most comfortable level when you wake up during the night. It thus facilitates the return to sleep and allows effective resumption of treatment. You are less likely to wake up in a panic with high pressure and open your mouth which would cause aerophagia. We did a clinical experiment. We offered a trial of the Sleep Style to some of our patients who suffered from aerophagia. In all cases, the patients saw great improvement and even disappearance of their aerophagia problem. It seems that the intelligent Sleep Style algorithm is ideal for patients afflicted with this problem.

    sleepstyle 2

  2. Use a CPAP that adjusts your pressure throughout the night.

    If the pressure levels aren’t tailored to your needs, then your chance of swallowing air accidentally in the night increases. The best solution is upgrading to an auto CPAP. An auto CPAP will automatically titrate, or adjust, the pressure, so you always get the correct pressure night after night. It can even adjust to your sleeping position or how tired you are that evening.

    These machines are programmed with a sophisticated algorithm that monitors your breathing in order to determine the most comfortable and effective settings for you at any given moment. The constant adjustments of the auto CPAP are essential to ensure that you continue to get the most out of your CPAP therapy.

    Resmed Auto CPAP AirSense S10 for him

    Learn about the Airsense

Other possible causes are nasal congestion and mouth breathing, both of which have the same solution.

Nasal congestion

You could have nasal congestion from allergies, a cold or the flu. When you have a stuffy nose, you might not be able to get the right CPAP air pressure you require, therefore you gulp in the air by mouth, leading it down into your esophagus.

Mouth Breather

You might be a mouth breather and wear a traditional nasal mask. When your mouth opens up while you’re sleeping, the CPAP machine may not be able to deliver the air to your lungs, but rather the air escapes through your mouth. Your apnea episodes aren’t being corrected, therefore in your unconscious panic; you could suddenly experience a choking sensation and gulp the air in rapidly, forcing it into your esophagus.

Woman lying in bed, rubbing her blocked sinuses caused by allergies

How to fix your aerophagia for congestion or mouth breathing?

It’s very simple: make sure you are using the right mask!

If you have a nasal cushion mask but your mouth opens during the night, you can end up gulping air as the therapy escapes out your mouth. Similarly, nasal pillow masks with blocked exhale ports can have the same problem, forcing your mouth open during the night. A full face mask, such as ResMed’s AirFit F30i, will enable you to breathe out through your mouth instead of swallowing the air. The AirFit F30i features:

  • Under-the-nose full face cushion: Reduces red marks and irritation on the nasal bridge
  • QuietAir technology: Makes for a quieter experience for you and your bed partner
  • Quick-release elbow and universal headgear: Makes taking your mask on and off easier than ever
right mask

Shop AirFit F30i

Shop other options of Full Face Masks

Airfit F20 for him and her

Airfit F20 for him and her

airift f10 cpap mask for men and women

Shop Airift F10

Mirage Quattro full face CPAP mask from ResMed

Shop Mirage Quattro

Dreamwear Full Face mask from Respironics

Shop Dreamwear


The most common culprit is your exhaled air not escaping the CPAP system when you breathe out. Pressure problems (both too high and too low), sinus blockage, and mask issues can all lead to aerophagia.

Figuring out what’s causing your aerophagia is essential to resolve it. Extreme air swallowing can be very uncomfortable, particularly if your CPAP settings aren’t optimized. Be sure to talk with your respiratory therapist at Apnée Santé about this problem to help determine the causes and solutions unique to you.

You can also call your local clinic or fill out the form below and we will follow up with you:

Philips Respironics has issued a voluntary recall notice for the Dreamstation 1, SystemOne and Remstar CPAP devices

On June 14th 2021, Philips Respironics issued a global recall notification for some of its CPAPs, BilLevel PAPs and ventilators “out of an abundance of caution” due to possible health risks associated with sound-proofing foam in the machines. Rest assured that Philips has issued this recall voluntarily, and the complaint rate for affected devices is only 0.03%.

At Apnea Health, every effort is being made to find ways to assist and support you. Your health is our number one priority. We’re monitoring the situation very closely, and updating our customers via this blog, our newsletter, Facebook Live videos and by snail mail.

By registering your device on Philips’ recall website, you’ll be given priority in any actions Philips takes and you’ll be provided with all the necessary information.

What you need to know about this recall and how you might be impacted:

What happened?

On June 14th 2021, Philips Respironics issued a global recall for some of its CPAP and BPAP devices “out of an abundance of caution” due to possible health risks associated with sound-proofing foam in the machines. Although there’s a low complaint rate (0.03% in 2020), Philips is initiating a voluntary recall to ensure patient safety.

The recall is associated with foam that’s used to make the devices quieter. According to Philips, the foam “may degrade into particles which may enter the device’s air pathway and be ingested or inhaled by the user, and the foam may off-gas certain chemicals” that may be toxic and can irritate airways, cause headaches and possibly carry cancer risks.

They also say the foam degradation may be exacerbated by the use of ozone cleaners, and high heat and high humidity environments.


We’re here to help

Since the news broke of the Philips CPAP recall, many customers have let us know they’re frustrated and concerned, and we completely understand. Apnea Health, true to its service commitment, has mobilized to answer your calls, emails and chats. We’re also keeping you updated on this page and by Facebook Live and YouTube.

We recognize the importance of continuing your treatment without interruption. Even with the current CPAP shortage, we’re doing our best to offer solutions to offset the inconvenience of the Philips recall and allow you to continue your treatment.

Your health is our number one priority.

doctor talking to a patient

What devices are affected?

Machine Type: CPAP + BPAP

Machine Series:

  • SystemOne (Q-Series)
  • DreamStation
  • DreamStation Go
  • REMstar SE Auto

Please note the recently launched DreamStation 2 is not affected by the issue.

Recalled machines: Dreamstation go, SystemOne and Dreamstation 1 CPAP machine

What devices are NOT affected?

This recall does NOT affect the DreamStation 2, Resmed AirSense 10 or the Fisher & Paykel SleepStyle.

Apnea Health is aware that some patients will want to replace their Philips device with another manufacturer’s device rather than wait for Philips’ replacement or repair procedure to be implemented.

Please note that delays are to be expected, given that some of the replacement devices are currently out of stock. You can pre-order our low-cost CPAP options in our online boutique or you can register to receive a notification when your item is restocked.

Machine Type: CPAP + BPAP

Machine Series:

  • Airsense 10 (for Him and for Her)
  • DreamStation 2
  • SleepStyle

Devices unaffected by the Philips recall: Airsense 10 for him, Airsense 10 for her, Dreamstation 2, SleepStyle

How to determine if your device is recalled

Using your device’s serial number, you can verify if your device is affected and then register your machine to be repaired or replaced. By registering with Philips, you’ll receive information directly from the manufacturer at the same time we do.

You can find the serial number on the bottom or the back of your machine depending on the model you have.

Philips Respironics Serial Number

Will the devices be repaired or replaced? How long will it take?

Presently, Philips hasn’t indicated if the CPAP will be refurbished by replacing the sound dampening foam or if they’ll replace the machine altogether. Our Philips representative believes DreamStation Pro devices will be replaced, while older CPAP models will probably be refurbished. Philips plans to address all affected devices as quickly as possible, but because of the number of affected units worldwide, it’s likely to take at least a year.

At Apnea Health, we’re providing Philips with all the information they need to replace our patients’ CPAPs, but we strongly recommend that you also register your device directly with Philips to hasten a resolution.

Dreamstation with repair tools

What’s the advice for patients?

The relevant medical associations for respiratory diseases, along with health authorities around the world, recommend continuing treatment and consulting your physician.

While waiting to speak with your sleep specialist, we encourage you to consult the recommendations of the American Thoracic Society (ATS):

For patients on Bi-level PAP and CPAP devices who have severe breathing difficulties, or were very sleepy during the daytime before treatment, have significant pulmonary, cardiovascular or neurologic comorbidity, or who work in safety-critical positions (e.g. professional drivers, pilots, heavy equipment operators), we would recommend that they not stop their prescribed therapy until first discussing with their physician.

Do not panic! If you’re using a DreamStation and you haven’t been consistently cleaning it with an ozone cleaner, the problematic foam in your device will not have degraded and therefore, the risk of skin irritation, eye irritation, headaches and asthma is very low.

If you have an alternative CPAP, by all means use it. If you find bits of black foam in your hose, water chamber or mask, we recommend you stop using your Philips Respironics device immediately.

Male doctor with stethoscope

What’s Apnea Health doing about this recall?

Since hearing the news, we’ve been in daily communication with Philips Respironics to understand what aid we can provide our patients.

We’ve completed all steps currently available with Philips to help our patients move forward in the process.

We’re standing by, ready to help Philips Respironics technologically or logistically to speed getting help to our customers. As new information and options become available, we’ll adapt our operations accordingly.

We’ve notified all our customers affected by the recall through email, newsletter, and on social media. Those we can’t reach by digital means will receive a snail mail notice.

Each day, more information becomes available. We’ll continue daily checks with the Philips Respironics team to ensure we’re doing everything possible to help our customers through this recall.

As we learn more, we’ll update our customers via email, and inform the CPAP community at large using this blog.

Apnea health employee with patient

Global CPAP shortage

With the recent recall of Respironics units, the CPAP world has temporarily lost a major CPAP supplier. The DreamStation is no longer being produced, and the new DreamStation 2 is already set to pre-order due to demand.

This has put a lot of pressure on CPAP manufacturers like Resmed and Fisher & Paykel. These competitors are having trouble meeting demand for CPAP machines and they’ve stopped accepting new orders. Consequently, across North America, we are experiencing a CPAP shortage without a definite end.

Even so, we want to let you know that we still have stock of our most popular machines, including the AirSense 10, the AirMini Travel CPAP and the SleepStyle from F&P, and we’re reserving these CPAPs for our in-clinic patients in Greater Montreal.

Please note that CPAP masks, accessories and replacement parts have NOT been affected by the CPAP shortage.

Airsense 10 cpap machine

Can I buy or rent a CPAP presently?

As of August 2022, we now have machines available for rent (within our clinics) and for sale (online and in-clinic).

Respiratory therapist speaking to patient about their CPAP treatment

Watch our Facebook Live videos on the recall

Watch our Facebook LIVE broadcast with Kim and Khaoula as they discuss the recall: